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Why buy organic products

10 good reasons why you should buy organic food.

If you are in a dilemma whether to buy organically produced foodstuffs because of the price or if you simply think that it is all the same in the end ("food is food"), here are some reasons which may lead you to think about what kind of food you are eating.

  • Organic food is of a higher quality and healthier. It contains greater quantities of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. On average, organic food contains greater concentrations of vitamin C, essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and chrome, as well as antioxidants, which are important as protection against cancer. For instance, organic milk contains 70% more essential omega 3 fatty acids compared to conventional milk, and significantly more vitamins E and A (beta carotene), as well as certain antioxidants. A ten-year study showed that organic tomatoes have nearly twice as many antioxidant flavonoids, which protect the heart.
  • It has a better taste. Organically grown fruit and vegetables grow more slowly and contain a smaller percentage of water, which contributes to a richer taste.
  • It is free of noxious and poisonous substances (residues of pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals.) The use of pesticides is banned in eco-agriculture. Over 311 pesticides are routinely used in conventional agriculture, and the residues are often present in conventional food. A study in Britain in 2005 showed that more than 40% of conventionally grown and produced fruit, vegetables and bread contained pesticides. For some fruits, the results were even worse. For instance, pesticides were detected in all oranges, 90% of bread, 72% of grapes and 95% of pears. Conventional apples are sprayed up to 16 times with 36 various chemicals. The British government found residues of pesticides in as many as 80% of samples.
  • It is free of unnecessary drugs and hormones. Antibiotics which are routinely added to animal feed in order to boost growth are related to bacterial resistance in humans to the same or similar antibiotics.
  • Organic food is free of dangerous additives. Only 32 of a total of 290 additives which are added to food are allowed in EU organic food (hydrogenated fats; aspartame, the artificial sweetener; and monosodium glutamate, which causes various health problems, are among the banned ones).
  • It is free of GMOs. Genetically modified crops and components are not allowed in organic agriculture.
  • It is more suitable for processing (due to a greater dry substance content) and storage (due to a smaller quantity of water and a lesser enzymatic and microbiological activity).
  • Organic food is better for the environment and nature. Organic agriculture causes significantly less water, air and soil pollution, emits less greenhouse gases, and supports biological and landscape diversity.
  • It has high production standards. Organic food comes from verified sources. Organic production is included in a supervision system, which means that only products certified as organic products, having passed all the necessary controls, can reach the market.
  • It has a high social and economic value. There are no hidden costs. During production, processing and selling it is attempted to establish correct relationships in which the work of every individual is justly valued and rewarded.


"The relationship which exists between fertile soil and healthy crops, healthy animals and healthy human beings must be widely known."

Sir Albert Howard, The Agricultural Testament, 1940